Monday, February 1, 2016

2016 Goals

Who doesn't make goals in January?

Well, before you completely dismiss my genuine goal setting let me say that I don't take goals lightly. I don't set goals I can't achieve. That said I've set the bar high this year. It seems like, in my adult life, I set a goal that seems right next to impossible, what would that be, highly unlikely? Anyway, I set it and think how in the world will I ever do that? Then, somehow I push myself, change, sacrifice, and BOOM! I've done it! Which is great, go me! But then next goal setting round is even more intense. That means I'm doing it right, I think?

So here they are:

  • Loose 60lbs. 
  • Be Happy.
  • Read the LDS Standard Works (contact for details.)
  • Finish a Sprint Triathlon with a competitive time in my age group.
  • Complete at minimum 44 mile bike ride w/ my husband.
  • (If I haven't died yet) Compete and finish an Olympic Length Triathlon.
  • More time spent individually with each child.
  • More husband/wife time.
Not too scary. I got this, right?

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