Monday, February 1, 2016

A Day of Food & Exercise

Goals are only accomplished by daily choices. So what are they?

Here is an average weekday for me this past month (regarding food and exercise).

Exercise - sometime between 8:30am-9:30am for about 30 minutes burn at least 300 calories.

Breakfast- Between 200-300 Calories

Lunch- Between 300-500 calories

Dinner- Between 500-800 Calories

I have my daily goal for total calories set at 1410 (I use My Fitness Pay, more on that later). I eat back my exercise, which puts me between 1500-1700 calories consumed each day. I have been paying attention to my macros this time. I try to get close to 40% Carbs, 30% fat, 30% Protein.

Here is my condensed philosophy about food consumption. Eliminating a type of food is setting yourself up for failure. There is no way you will never eat sugar again. It is unrealistic to never eat something containing saturated fat again. You'll drive yourself mad trying to only eat organic non-processed food. So stop it! That is dieting, and that will leave you feeling depressed and unsuccessful. Instead, learn how to portion control, learn how to balance your food choices, and learn how to have the lifestyle you want and be healthy. I've done both ways and I've seen lasting success with only one of them.

The other reality is that only focusing on food, or conversely exercise, is only half of the equation. My first weight loss journey I felt so out of control with food that I focused the first 3 months only on food control. I lost 30 lbs and then stopped. I knew I was going to have to start fitting in exercise if I wanted to see more success. Take it at your own pace, but at some point in the journey focus on both food and exercise.

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