Monday, February 1, 2016

Favorite Breakfasts & Lunches

Some days it literally feels like all I do is prepare food. The kids eat 3 meals a day, plus snack time. I eat 3 meals a day, plus snack time. So when it comes to my food I follow the 3 'S' rules.

  • Simple
  • Satisfying
  • Strategy
Simple: Breakfast and lunches don't take more than 15 minutes for me to make. I'm usually preparing the kids a meal also, while doing dishes, while combing my hair, while texting, while...well you get the idea. I can't make these delicious, but complicated concoctions I find on Pinterest all the time. Ain't nobody got time for that! Also, the simpler it is, usually the fewer ingredients it will have. As a result, it will have fewer calories as well. My dinner planning often consists of a protein and a veg. Simple doesn't mean bland, let's be clear! Flavor doesn't just come from fat. Seasonings will become your best friend as will low calorie condiments. 

Satisfying: Your stomach will shrink faster than you think. I can't use instinct to tell when I'm full in the beginning, because it's screwed up. I have to rely on calories in and calories out. The trick to feeling satisfied is quantity and quality. If it is quality food then you can eat large quantities. After a while of you getting over the fact that the fish taco isn't pizza, you'll soon realize that eating 2 or 3 fish tacos is way better than eating a slice of pizza. It's filling, it's getting you closer to your goals, and it's freakin' delicious! Satisfy will quality quantities, big bold seasonings, and low calorie condiments.

Strategy: We all know about the dreaded meal prep of healthy living. I'm not that extreme. However, if you are successful there is some amount of effort that has to be put into strategic food decisions and planning. I shop every 2 weeks. So I plan out all my dinner meals for those 2 weeks. If we have a lunch out at a restaurant I know I need to plan a lighter dinner to stay within my calorie goals. If I didn't exercise that day I know I want to eat super lean that day. If I know I'm going to a party and I will be eating cake I know I need to run an extra mile. It isn't about restriction it's about balance. But balance will never be achieved without preparation, planning, and being honest about your limitations and self control.

The one the left is my all time favorite breakfast. 1 cup frozen hash-browns, 1 egg in the center, 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese and sriracha. Get ready for it...only 190 calories. So satisfying, and a good balance of carbs and protein.  The picture on the right is an english muffin, a sunny side up egg, some turkey lunch meat (2 slices,browned), and 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese. Calories 370 (depending on the brand of each item). I also love Dannon Light & Fit Greek Nonfat Yogurt (80 cals). I try to pack my protein in my breakfast so I feel energized for the day. 

I don't have any pics, because honestly, they are really boring and I need to put some serious effort into spicing up my lunch life. I usually go for a very simply turkey wrap, chicken salad, or tuna salad. I will divulge one secret (or maybe it's a confessional?) I love to save condiment packets from fast food restaurants. Before you judge, hear me out. They are perfectly portioned. You can find the exact calories on their website (or My Fitness Pal) and they add loads of flavor. My favorites are Arby's Horsey Sauce (50 cals) and Chic-Fil-A's Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce (60 cals).

These are usually a little more involved. Jordan always eats dinner at home with us and I shop 2 weeks at a time so I meal plan, like I mentioned before. I use Pinterest a lot for my dinner recipes. But some are just tried and true originals. I'll do lots more dinner posts with recipes as time goes on. So stay tuned.

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