Thursday, February 18, 2016

Weight Loss Update! (aka Progress Pictures)

So I hit my first milestone in any weight loss journey, my first 10 pounds gone! It took me 6 weeks. Which is great, but compared to my first weight loss journey it feels slow. I've been learning a lot of things through this second journey of weight loss, but the biggest is comparison will defeat you. It seems as natural as breathing for me to compare myself. It doesn't matter what it is or who I'm comparing, but it seems nothing is safe from my double vision. 

HOWEVER, I have found that comparing my success to past success has been a motivating tool. To see where I've been, and where I am, is important in recognizing what I'm capable of and that I should keep pushing myself. Every time I focus my comparison energy inwardly I am able to find areas to improve or be inspired to challenge myself. 

So woohoo 10 pounds gone (actually I've lost 11). 
Celebrate your successes.
Focus on comparing yourself with only yourself. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Check It Out!

Can you exercise and loose weight without spending any money on gadgets, equipment, and supplements...YEP! Is it more fun to have some of those things...YEP!

So here are a few of my favorite gadgets for tracking exercise and personal stats.

Microsoft Band- I wanted something to help track calories burned, running stats, biking stats, and heart rate. There are a lot of options out there and it can be overwhelming. I've had a fitbit before, and folks if you are fitbit freaks, please don't hate me, but they are HUGELY inaccurate. There is actually an open lawsuit right now, because of their inflated step tracking and other inaccurate tracking. I also didn't want something that required a separate heart monitor to be worn in order to track heart rate. So that leaves you a few options and of those the best, in my opinion, is the Microsoft Band. It's capabilities are really amazing. It has all the functions of a smart watch (think Apple Watches) text messaging, phone call, weather, facebook, clocks, calendars ect. In addition, it has amazing exercise tracking capabilities. It has a heart rate monitor built in, pedometer, UV sensor, GPS, sleep tracking that enters sleep mode automatically. It has lots of sport tracking, running, biking, golfing, and a workout routine that you can select a program and the watch will alert you through different sets of exercises. (ie sets of jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups ect.) It has a weight loss tile that tracks BMI and displays rate of loss or gain in a very helpful manner. I could really go on and on about the Microsoft Band. I've had it now for almost 3 months and love it! It ranges between $200-$250 and has a battery life (depending on usage) of about 36 hours.
Biking- If you are doing a lot of miles or getting ready to do a race there are a couple things I would recommend getting for your bike. I really felt intimidated by the clip in pedals and the cleat shoes. My husband has had some pretty bad wrecks when he was first getting used to them and my biking skills are already pretty lacking. So I had some reservations, but finally got talked into getting some. The shoes are pretty comfortable and actually clipping in is just a matter of pressure and sliding your foot into the peddle. The hard part is stopping. You have to remember to clip out, by flicking your heel away from the bike and lifting up. It takes a little practice to get it down. You will see an immediate change in your pace and stamina after using clip in pedals. It uses more muscle groups which helps not fatigue your legs as quickly. You are also apply power on the up stroke instead of just on the down stroke. This really makes a difference in triathlon training. Conserving as much energy on the bike so that you can get through the run is vital and the clip in pedals really help with that.
The other thing that I feel really helps you improve your time and cadence on the bike is a pedal tracker. If you are only riding outside you can get away with a GPS tracker like on the Microsoft Band. However, living in Utah only gives me a few months of outside riding and the rest of the time I'm on a stationary. So I really wanted something that would track my mileage. The tracker is magnetic and just clips to the pedal and the bike fork. Every time the pedal passes by it triggers it and does lots of math really quick to give you stats of mileage, cadence, and speed. Really helpful when you are focusing on training for a race and they can range anywhere from $30 for a basic version to hundreds of dollars for very fancy ones. I have a $30 my husband has an expensive one. I'd say you are fine to go cheap on this. Below on the red bike is my husband's fancy tracker and on the right are my clip in shoes (not a very good pic sorry).

Running- You may be asking yourself how many gadgets could be involved with running. Well, I have a few must haves when it comes to running. When I was training for my half marathon I was running about 25 miles a week. You figure out all the dos and don'ts when you are running that much. Number one on my list isn't a huge surprise... SHOES! Seriously, don't mess around with the shoes. If you didn't spend at least $65 on the shoes they are going to wear out and cause you feet and shin problems. I'm not super brand loyal, although my favorite are Nike, but I have tried to go cheap and always regretted it. I started the $65 rule years ago and haven't ever had a bad pair of shoes since. My Nike's usually last me around 1000+ miles. After that you start to loose support, the side walls start to get thin, and you may even begin to feel pain in your feet or shins after long runs. I don't throw the shoes away, I just don't use them for running anymore. I've had 2 pairs in the last 4 years and I'm getting new ones for my birthday in a couple weeks. Aside from the shoes I recommend a GPS tracker like the Microsoft Band. Most treadmills are calibrated inaccurately and if you are on gym equipment you are going to get really inconsistent stats. When I got my Microsoft Band and started to compare it to my treadmill's stats I was shocked at the differences. The treadmill's distance tracker is really slow and the calorie burn is way too high. I wasn't running a lot further than I thought I was and burning less calories than I thought I was. So don't trust the treadmill stats. Lastly I always run in a tight clothing, tank top, really great sports bra, and high ankle socks. Most of the clothing is preference thing, but I will say buy some running specific socks. You'll be glad you did!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Quick Taco Salad

So this isn't a favorite or anything. It falls under isn't disgusting, quick, and easy. I usually keep dinners around 500-800 calories. It is also my largest meal of the day so if you are a lighter dinner person cut these portions in half. Every recipe I post is for me and my husband so I count it as two servings, but there is usually enough food you could quarter it if you wanted less calories. 

Quick Taco Salad

2 Cups - Iceberg Lettuce (chopped)
1 lb. - 94% (or leaner) Hamburger
1 packet - Favorite taco seasoning
1 can- Kidney Beans
1/2 Cup - Onions
1 Clove - Garlic
1/4 Cup - Shredded Cheese
Favorite Salsa
2 tbs- Ranch Dressing

Brown hamburger with chopped onion and garlic. Add taco seasoning once browned. If the mixture is a little tight add some water (just a few tablespoons). Add kidney beans, just to warm. Put mixture over lettuce, add your favorite shredded cheese, salsa and dressing.  Enjoy!

Calories: 685

I use MyFitnessPal to track calories and individually add each ingredient I cook with. I have a scale I weigh everything. It can be tedious at first, but does become second nature. I always tell my husband if there were a game show for guessing calories in an item I could probably win it!

The Struggle Is Real

You ever had a day where you just wanted to stay in bed? I'm not talking for like just a few more hours. I'm talking about the whole darn day! Yeah, that's a dumb questions, of course you have! Remember when our age had a 1 as the first number and we could stay in bed all day? When I let myself go there I seem to find this twister of  justifications of why I'm owed a day like that. Which, is ridiculous. Those days usually start out with my son's diaper leaking poop all over my bed or some other similar event that puts 'crappy morning' into a whole new category. Why am I even talking about this? Because that has been my day. It's actually been my last few days. Very little sleep, followed by catastrophic messes, and sick babies.

My point? You can do it! You can do it all. You can fight that inner voice telling you that you are a victim in your life. That you are unappreciated and should be given more. You can fight against those feelings and force yourself to replace those feelings with positively joyful thoughts. So here is some of the things I force myself to do on those days.

1. Exercise. Seriously, it's the last thing I want to do. I want to sit on the couch in my sweats and eat all the things I shouldn't. BUT, when I force myself to exercise  on those days that are the hardest to get up and get moving I always have my best workouts. I push myself so much harder on those days because of the stress and tension in my mind. It starts to feel good and I start to feel better. At the end I feel proud of my accomplishment and that moment follows me throughout the day.

2. Service. I'm not talking about going out and feeding the homeless (although that'd be great!) Little things I can do throughout my day for those I live with and I come in contact with. A note to my husband, play-doh time with my daughter, building blocks with my son, helping someone with their groceries at the store, a text to my neighbor letting them know that they are wonderful. These take minutes out of a day and 100% I promise that you will feel lighter in your daily struggles after an act of service.

3. Fun. Do something not on the schedule. Find a reason to laugh. Make a memory with your loved ones and forever that day will be remember as a good one not a bad one. You are the only one deciding what day gets what label. Will it be a good day or bad day? The better questions is will you make a good day instead of a bad day? Don't ever be too serious to laugh at yourself and don't ever be afraid to make those around you laugh.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Favorite Breakfasts & Lunches

Some days it literally feels like all I do is prepare food. The kids eat 3 meals a day, plus snack time. I eat 3 meals a day, plus snack time. So when it comes to my food I follow the 3 'S' rules.

  • Simple
  • Satisfying
  • Strategy
Simple: Breakfast and lunches don't take more than 15 minutes for me to make. I'm usually preparing the kids a meal also, while doing dishes, while combing my hair, while texting, while...well you get the idea. I can't make these delicious, but complicated concoctions I find on Pinterest all the time. Ain't nobody got time for that! Also, the simpler it is, usually the fewer ingredients it will have. As a result, it will have fewer calories as well. My dinner planning often consists of a protein and a veg. Simple doesn't mean bland, let's be clear! Flavor doesn't just come from fat. Seasonings will become your best friend as will low calorie condiments. 

Satisfying: Your stomach will shrink faster than you think. I can't use instinct to tell when I'm full in the beginning, because it's screwed up. I have to rely on calories in and calories out. The trick to feeling satisfied is quantity and quality. If it is quality food then you can eat large quantities. After a while of you getting over the fact that the fish taco isn't pizza, you'll soon realize that eating 2 or 3 fish tacos is way better than eating a slice of pizza. It's filling, it's getting you closer to your goals, and it's freakin' delicious! Satisfy will quality quantities, big bold seasonings, and low calorie condiments.

Strategy: We all know about the dreaded meal prep of healthy living. I'm not that extreme. However, if you are successful there is some amount of effort that has to be put into strategic food decisions and planning. I shop every 2 weeks. So I plan out all my dinner meals for those 2 weeks. If we have a lunch out at a restaurant I know I need to plan a lighter dinner to stay within my calorie goals. If I didn't exercise that day I know I want to eat super lean that day. If I know I'm going to a party and I will be eating cake I know I need to run an extra mile. It isn't about restriction it's about balance. But balance will never be achieved without preparation, planning, and being honest about your limitations and self control.

The one the left is my all time favorite breakfast. 1 cup frozen hash-browns, 1 egg in the center, 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese and sriracha. Get ready for it...only 190 calories. So satisfying, and a good balance of carbs and protein.  The picture on the right is an english muffin, a sunny side up egg, some turkey lunch meat (2 slices,browned), and 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese. Calories 370 (depending on the brand of each item). I also love Dannon Light & Fit Greek Nonfat Yogurt (80 cals). I try to pack my protein in my breakfast so I feel energized for the day. 

I don't have any pics, because honestly, they are really boring and I need to put some serious effort into spicing up my lunch life. I usually go for a very simply turkey wrap, chicken salad, or tuna salad. I will divulge one secret (or maybe it's a confessional?) I love to save condiment packets from fast food restaurants. Before you judge, hear me out. They are perfectly portioned. You can find the exact calories on their website (or My Fitness Pal) and they add loads of flavor. My favorites are Arby's Horsey Sauce (50 cals) and Chic-Fil-A's Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce (60 cals).

These are usually a little more involved. Jordan always eats dinner at home with us and I shop 2 weeks at a time so I meal plan, like I mentioned before. I use Pinterest a lot for my dinner recipes. But some are just tried and true originals. I'll do lots more dinner posts with recipes as time goes on. So stay tuned.

Exercise with Kids

Where are my other Mommas at?!

Life with kids can be a juggling act, no secret there. Sometimes they are my favorite excuse for not getting my butt into gear and exercising. My 18 month old still doesn't sleep all night, and recently has decided his preferred time to start the day is 5 in the morning. My daughter is a threenager and frequently thinks she should rule the world.
I've tried a gym membership with daycare and about 15 minutes in I hear my name over the loud speaker. My kids just love me and can't stand it when we are apart. I can't blame them, that gym day care isn't the greatest.
Luckily, in my basement I have my bike on a stationary stand and I picked up a treadmill on a yard sale site for $100 (3 years and still going strong). So lesson one, no excuses if you want it you'll make it happen. Lesson two, don't pay full price for anything. Besides that I usually do an aerobic exercise from they have awesome workouts with a huge variety. Check out their YouTube channel.

Below is a sampling of my exercise life at home with kiddos.

Stationary Bike with Kids: Bike days usually go something like this:

"Derek, get away from the tire."
"Mom, Derek is upstairs on the table eating a candle."
"Mom, why are you going so fast."
"Mom, can you slow down you are too loud."
"Emily, stop asking me questions when my heart rate is 160."

Running on Treadmill with Kids:

"Derek, get away from the treadmill."
"Mom, you have 3 hours left."
"Mom, are you done yet?"
"Mom, Derek is in the office on the computer desk."
"Oh my gosh, Mom, Derek broke the computer."
"Mom, I'm hungry."
"Mom, Derek is poopy."
"Mom, when will change Derek?'

Aerobic Video with Kids:

"Emily, I'm sorry I kicked you I didn't mean to."
"Derek, get out from under me I can't hold this plank much longer."
"Please, don't jump on my stomach when I'm doing sit-ups."
"Mom, when are you having a shower? You stink."
"Derek, don't pull your sisters hair."
"Derek, don't pull my hair."

The Reward of Exercise with Kids:
"Mom, are you going to exercise today?"
"I love working out with you."
"I am going to be healthy like you."
"When I am grown up, will you share your work out clothes with me?"
"You are almost done, good job!"
"I love you Mom."

They aren't an excuse, they are part of why you are doing this!

A Day of Food & Exercise

Goals are only accomplished by daily choices. So what are they?

Here is an average weekday for me this past month (regarding food and exercise).

Exercise - sometime between 8:30am-9:30am for about 30 minutes burn at least 300 calories.

Breakfast- Between 200-300 Calories

Lunch- Between 300-500 calories

Dinner- Between 500-800 Calories

I have my daily goal for total calories set at 1410 (I use My Fitness Pay, more on that later). I eat back my exercise, which puts me between 1500-1700 calories consumed each day. I have been paying attention to my macros this time. I try to get close to 40% Carbs, 30% fat, 30% Protein.

Here is my condensed philosophy about food consumption. Eliminating a type of food is setting yourself up for failure. There is no way you will never eat sugar again. It is unrealistic to never eat something containing saturated fat again. You'll drive yourself mad trying to only eat organic non-processed food. So stop it! That is dieting, and that will leave you feeling depressed and unsuccessful. Instead, learn how to portion control, learn how to balance your food choices, and learn how to have the lifestyle you want and be healthy. I've done both ways and I've seen lasting success with only one of them.

The other reality is that only focusing on food, or conversely exercise, is only half of the equation. My first weight loss journey I felt so out of control with food that I focused the first 3 months only on food control. I lost 30 lbs and then stopped. I knew I was going to have to start fitting in exercise if I wanted to see more success. Take it at your own pace, but at some point in the journey focus on both food and exercise.

2016 Goals

Who doesn't make goals in January?

Well, before you completely dismiss my genuine goal setting let me say that I don't take goals lightly. I don't set goals I can't achieve. That said I've set the bar high this year. It seems like, in my adult life, I set a goal that seems right next to impossible, what would that be, highly unlikely? Anyway, I set it and think how in the world will I ever do that? Then, somehow I push myself, change, sacrifice, and BOOM! I've done it! Which is great, go me! But then next goal setting round is even more intense. That means I'm doing it right, I think?

So here they are:

  • Loose 60lbs. 
  • Be Happy.
  • Read the LDS Standard Works (contact for details.)
  • Finish a Sprint Triathlon with a competitive time in my age group.
  • Complete at minimum 44 mile bike ride w/ my husband.
  • (If I haven't died yet) Compete and finish an Olympic Length Triathlon.
  • More time spent individually with each child.
  • More husband/wife time.
Not too scary. I got this, right?

The Beginning (Before & After Pictures!)

January 4, 2016
The beginning of anything is hard. I am 60 lbs over my desired weight. I haven't exercised in over 3 months. I have two kids under the age of 4. Ok, seriously, once you start down a road of excuses and justifications you'll completely loose the will to get off the express of depress and find a highway to happiness. (Welcome to my uncontrolled metaphor dropping.)
How do you start then? Well, your misery of where you're at has to be stronger than the sacrifice it takes to change. That's all it really is. You'll find that the longer you commit to your changes the less of a sacrifice they are. For me, that magic number is usually 3 months. Once I hit that 3 month mark it starts to become a joy instead of a chore. I can't imagine my routine without weighing my food and exercising every morning. However, right now that sounds like an effective form of torture.
So here I go! I know I have to trust the process. I know it will work. I know it will suck for a while. I know it will be worth it. I know I can do it!

These are pretty mortifying. I guess you need a bad before picture to get you motivated. Sheesh, this one qualifies. After my first Triathlon in September of last year I basically just quit. I didn't exercise. I didn't really monitor my food intake. I love to cook and sometimes I use that hobby as an excuse to eat. It is a struggle to balance my love of cooking and baking with eating appropriately. Thank heavens for neighbors! Anyway, I'm not done having kids, Utah isn't done having snowy Winters, the Holidays will always come bearing food. I need to be able to handle those stages of life with out gaining weight. I'm pretty sure it can be done (well pregnancy is complicated).

 1 Month Later!
It's really amazing what a month of consistency can do. It's like taking an eraser and finding my waist again! That's only 7 lbs. My husband says it looks like I lost 20. I think he may be a little enthusiastic. I need to start keeping track of my inches I feel like that is where my huge changes will be at first. I'm down a pants size already though and that feels nice. Let these pictures prove that change is possible and that you can do this. Make it happen!